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Shelter from the Storm

You’ve heard the word, but do you really know what it means?  Is your child being bullied?  Would you know the signs?  Would you know who to talk to and/or where to go for help? 


In support of proposed House Bill 2636, Pennsylvania Safe Schools Act, we have created “Shelter from the Storm”  … a family-oriented, interactive program focused on increasing awareness and providing resources and solutions to this serious social dilemma.


Shelter from the Storm” includes a puppet show, children's activities, and an interactive video entitled "Taming the Bull" (using KlickerZ ® Audience Response System) to help participants assess their knowledge and understanding of the problem.  A more formal part of the program (for parents only) will include a speaker’s panel made up of various community organizations.


The highlight of our program is our puppet show entitled, "WORDS HURT"!!


The puppet show was written to touch the hearts of children and adults sharing a very clear message that “WORDS HURT!!”.The puppets in the program each represent one of the “players” in a bullying incident (victim, bully and bystander) illustrating the hurt and emptiness that a child experiences when they are emotionally bullied, harassed and/or socially “left out” amidst a group of peers. The program allows the participants to see and understand what happens to a child when they are bullied … something that is experienced by children (both and young and old) across the United States (according to Parenting Magazine, 2.7 million children report being bullied at school and 160,000 students skip school due to the fear of bullying.


Recognizing that bullying focuses someone’s "differences", we end the puppet show by introducing the audience to an upbeat children's song entitled “Being Unique” … allowing everyone to know that we can all get along if we “treat others the way we want to be treated”.


We welcome you to join our passion to "Stop School Bullying" by bringing our puppet show to your schools, camps, pools, churches (VBS),  rec centers ... anywhere that students gather :)




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